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[카이로스인턴십] 미국 TED LCC 안내

2015-05-01 11:38:42
꿈을 향한 날개, 해외인턴전문기업 카이로스

카이로스 인턴십 채용 뉴스레터

호스트 회사 정보

◇ 회사명: TED LLC

◇ 산업분야: Project Management Intern

◇ 위치: New York, NY

◇ 회사정보:
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences run by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan "Ideas Worth Spreading". TED was founded in 1984 as a one-off event;the annual conference series began in 1990.TED's early emphasis was technology and design, consistent with its Silicon Valley origins, but it has since broadened its focus to include talks on many scientific, cultural and academic topics.

Past speakers include Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, Al Gore, Gordon Brown, Richard Dawkins, Richard Stallman, Bill Gates, Bono, Mike Rowe, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and many Nobel Prize winners.

Since June 2006,the talks have been offered for free viewing online through TED.com. As of February 2015, over 1,900 talks are freely available on the website. In June 2011, the talks' combined viewing figure stood at more than 500 million, and by November 2012, TED talks had been watched over one billion times worldwide.

인턴십 포지션 정보


TED-Ed Programs Intern




June to December
January to June


Track progress across TED-Ed Club program elements, including application systems, communications and internal progress
· Coordinate any in-person events and/or activities
· Support the TED-Ed Club application and communication processes
· Help maintain social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and video conferencing software
· Help screen content posted to the TED-Ed Clubs YouTube channel
· Support Programs team on projects related to TED-Ed Clubs and other programs


· Current college student
· Proficient in Google Calendar, Docs and Gmail
· Exceptional ability to multi-task
· Rigorous organizational skills and attention to detail
· Strong written and in-person communication skills
· Knowledge and interest in social media


40hours/ week



인턴십 프로그램 지원방법

1. 인턴 지원 자격
① 대상: 2학기 이상 수료자
② 전공: 경상/경영계열, IT분야 전공자
③ 외국어: 영어로 의사소통 가능한 자 우대

2. 지원 방법
① 지원마감: 2015. 05. 08(금)까지 카이로스 제출
② 지원문의: 카이로스 02 722 4255 또는 info@jobkairosusa.com
③ 지원서류: 영문이력서, 영문커버레터, 사진 1매 (자유양식, MS Word 이용, 지원시 샘플제공)
④ 진행절차 : 카이로스 한국지사 전화영어인터뷰 -> 호스트회사 인터뷰 -> 스폰서회사 인터뷰 -> 미대사관 J1 비자 인터뷰 -> 출국 및 인턴십 시작

3. 프로그램 비용
① 4개월 $ 3,900(스폰서십 비용 불포함)
② 포함내역: 필수 보험료, 인턴십 기관 매칭 서비스 비용


+ 본 뉴스레터의 내용 및 사진에 대한 권리는 카이로스에게 있으며, 본사의 허가없이 무단복제 및 수정할 수 없습니다.

꿈을 향한 날개, 해외인턴전문기업 카이로스

서울시 종로구 종로74 영안빌딩 F4 l Tel. 02-722-4255 l Fax. 02-722-9664
서울시 강남구 역삼동 822-4 강남제일빌딩 F7 l Tel.02-565-4255
E-Mail : info@jobkairosusa.com
Website: www.jobkairosusa.com / www.jobkairos.com

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