The mark of the Methodist Theological University is the base element of the UI (or University Identity) which is the representative symbol of all forms of visual communication which reveals the university brand both inside and out. Developed to unify the brand image of this school, the symbol mark should create a sense of unity amongst the members of the university as well as be used according to school regulations since it serves to deliver and cause recognition of a consistent brand of MTU domestically and abroad. Regardless of the situation the symbol must always be reproduced in the same form and shape, and to prevent distortions the symbol should be expanded and/or reduced directly from the various computer data available in the CD-ROM.
Symbol Mark of MTU Back Then (Found in the 1934 edition of ‘ShinhakSegye’) The symbol mark of the Methodist Theological University was produced with the motif being the mark found in the 1934 edition of ‘ShinhakSegye’. The outer ring stands for the world, while the flower pattern inside the circle symbolizes the Rose of Sharon which ultimately stands for the MTU student who strives forward the world. The number ‘1887’ on the upper portion detail the founding year of the school, and the half-moon shaped leaves on each side of the inner circle are also leaves of the Rose of Sharon which symbolize the MTU students’ loving heart for their people as well as the victory which will be encountered at the end. In the center lies the cross symbolic of Jesus as well as the words “Feed my sheep” from John 21:17 are written in the bible located in the center. These words contain the founding purpose and educational ideology of MTU which seeks to cultivate people of God who will adhere to God’s command to embrace this world.
Logo type
Horizontal form
The logo type of the Methodist Theological University is the base element of the UI (or University Identity) which is the representative symbol of all forms of visual communication which reveals the university brand both inside and out.The logo type is an optical factor which specifically delivers the very existence of MTU through such a label, and, just like the symbol mark, should invoke a sense of unity within the members of the university and deliver and entice recognition of MTU both inside and out, as well as being utilized according to school regulations. The logo type has been adjusted proportionally according to the shape and form of each letter and thus the font, thickness, proportion, and spacing of the logo cannot be voluntarily changed, but rather must remain in its original form. The logo type should be expanded and/or reduced directly from the various computer data available in the CD-ROM.
Logo type vertical form
The logo type of the Methodist Theological University is the base element of the UI (or University Identity) which is the representative symbol of all forms of visual communication which reveals the university brand both inside and out.The logo type is an optical factor which specifically delivers the very existence of MTU through such a label, and, just like the symbol mark, should invoke a sense of unity within the members of the university and deliver and entice recognition of MTU both inside and out, as well as being utilized according to school regulations. The logo type has been adjusted proportionally according to the shape and form of each letter and thus the font, thickness, proportion, and spacing of the logo cannot be voluntarily changed, but rather must remain in its original form. The logo type should be expanded and/or reduced directly from the various computer data available in the CD-ROM.
The Honyongmun Signature is the resulting product of taking the focal point of the MTU symbol mark, or the UI (University Identity), and combining it with the Honyongmun Logo Type under a specific standard. The appropriate signature should be used based on the layout space in which it will be applied to. To prevent any distortions, files of the signature stored in the CD-ROM should be expanded and/or reduced directly and proportionately as mentioned above.
Exclusive color scheme
The exclusive color scheme of the MTU UI utilizes the color scheme best representative of the MTU student and consists of Main Color MTU Purple and Sub Color 5. When printing, the original color hue should be set to the standard scheme as included in the manual, while spot color printing or CMYK printing should be used, and when posting on the web the color scheme should be set to 3 RGB. For building a coherent image of the university the color scheme should never be voluntarily changed and for the effective usage of the original color scheme careful consideration of the effective use of printing method, ink concentration as well as the quality of the paper in recommended for in order to maintain the standard color scheme as appears in the manual.